57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (2024)

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (1)

This St. Patrick's Day, if you can only think of Guinness and potatoes when you think of Irish food, these recipes are here to show you all that the Ireland food scene has to offer. Hearty and veggie-packed, traditional Irish cuisine is the pinnacle of comfort food, perfect whether you're throwing a party or looking for something for a family dinner this spring. From traditional Irish dishes to creative twists on recipes inspired by Irish foods, we've got something for every occasion here, including sides, mains, desserts, and drinks. These 57 ideas go way beyond completing your St. Patrick's Day spread (and they do a pretty great job of soaking up all that holiday booze too 😉).

Not into the holiday bar crawl scene? No stress—stay home and celebrate with these recipes instead! We’ve got everything from corned beef and cabbage (+ multiple ways to cook it), veggie soups, and roasted parsnips (think beyond the potato) for a multi-course sit-down affair. Or set out a spread of delicious appetizers to snack on all day long, like Reuben egg rolls or pretzel beer dip. Of course, no party is complete without refreshing drinks to watch it all down. Irish coffee and Irish mules add creative twists to classic drinks; we celebrate with these co*cktails all year long.

If you want to hit the perfect middle ground of involved and hands-off, you’ve gotta go shepherd’s pie. We’ve got a number of recipes represented here, including beef, turkey, and pulled pork versions. Serving vegan or vegetarian guests? We've even got a vegan shepherd's pie so everyone can get in on this ultra-comforting dish. So pour some Guinness, call your friends, and get your tartan out—there's no better homage to the Irish than some hearty food and a laf' with your friends.



57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (3)

Can’t decide between a crispy latke and a pile of creamy mashed potatoes? Make boxty. Crunchy on the outside, soft and fluffy in the center, these Irish potato pancakes give you the best of both iconic potato dishes in a single bite.

Get the Boxty recipe.


Corned Beef & Cabbage

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (4)

A staple holiday dish, the combo of corned beef and cabbage completes any St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Simple, satisfying, and easy to make, this deserves to be celebrated more than one day a year.

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Irish Sausages & Champ

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (5)

What better way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day than cooking traditional pub fare? Think of this like British bangers & mash, but with distinctive Irish heritage and flair. Put these flavorful sausages and mashed potatoes together with a rich onion gravy, and you’ll have one seriously satisfying meal for St. Patrick’s Day and beyond.

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Irish Brown Bread

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (6)

This quick bread (meaning no yeast or rise) has a dense yet tender interior that’s as good for dipping into a creamy winter soup as it is for turning into a corned beef sandwich. Whatever you do, don't forget the Irish butter!

Get the Irish Brown Bread recipe.

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Colcannon is a traditional Irish dish made of creamy mashed potatoes and some green veggie. Most typically you'll find cabbage or kale, paired with some green aromatics like leeks and chives. Here, we opt for a scallion and kale combo for vibrant color and deeper, nuttier flavors.

Get the Colcannon recipe.


Skillet Fudgy Brownie Pudding

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (8)

This recipe has everything you love about a typical brownie, but with a fun twist: It has Baileys in the batter and in the whipped cream, making it the perfect dessert for St. Patrick's Day and all year round.

Get the Skillet Fudgy Brownie Pudding recipe.

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St. Patrick's Day Cake

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (9)

We think we found our pot of gold with this epic top hat-shaped rainbow cake. While it does take a bit of time to assemble, it's actually pretty straight-forward. Once you start assembling the layers, the tricky part is done—just don’t forget to fill your cake with Lucky Charms before putting the top layer on!

Get the St. Patrick's Day Cake recipe.


Irish Beef Stew

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (10)

Traditionally, an Irish stew (aka Guinness Stew) is made with lamb. Our version includes beef chuck, which is cheaper and more easily found. It might be less traditional, but is certainly equal in deliciousness.

Get the Irish Beef Stew recipe.

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Steamed Cabbage

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (11)

Because of its simple flavor profile, this low-lift, low-carb recipe pairs well with almost everything. Use it like sauerkraut and pair it with sweet and savory pork or sausage, or stick to the vegetarian route with a or mashed potatoes. You really can’t go wrong!

Get the Steamed Cabbage recipe.


Shepherd's Pie

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (12)

Filled with plenty of veggies, an irresistible beef filling, and topped with creamy mashed potatoes, this warming meal combines your sides + main all into one bowl of cozy goodness. Try any of your favorite veggie combinations here—maybe add some more greens like kale or spinach for good luck?

Get the Shepherd's Pie recipe.

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Irish Potato Candy

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (13)

If you’re not from the Philadelphia area, you might be thinking, I don’t want potato in my candy! Don’t worry, this confection only looks like cute little potatoes, and actually contains no spuds at all. Imagine the texture of a chocolate truffle but with cream cheese, coconut, and vanilla instead. The outside is coated in ground cinnamon, giving it an uncanny likeness to the real thing.

Get the Irish Potato Candy recipe.


Bailey’s Chocolate Cream Pie

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (14)

Who said St. Patty’s Day desserts need to be bright green? Try this delicious pie of chocolatey boozy fun instead! This no-bake twist on a classic chocolate cream pie is the perfect dessert for your holiday festivities or a clever way to use up Baileys left over from the party.

Get the Bailey’s Chocolate Cream Pie recipe.

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Irish Apple Cake

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (15)

This tender apple cake is jam-packed with fruit, which is why we think it's perfectly appropriate to eat a slice for breakfast. 😉 The custard sauce isn't totally necessary, but it is traditional and completely delicious.

Get the Irish Apple Cake recipe.


Bacon Fried Cabbage

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (16)

If you want to venture into the world of cabbage that goes beyond corn beef or coleslaw, try this fried cabbage on for size. Hearty and flavorful, it only requires 5 ingredients (if you don't count the salt and pepper). Plus, one of those ingredients is bacon! This simple recipe might just convert even the most ardent of cabbage haters.

Get the Bacon Fried Cabbage recipe.

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St. Patrick's Day Cupcakes

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (17)

Don’t just make plain old cupcakes for your St. Patty’s Day bash—make these adorable rainbow-topped cupcakes that taste as good as they look! They’re nothing more complicated than a moist, vanilla cupcake with a rich buttercream frosting, but with some green food coloring, a rainbow candy belt, and clever piping, you can turn these into a super-festive treat.

Get the St. Patrick's Day Cupcakes recipe.


Irish Soda Bread

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (18)

Though the dough for this quick bread recipe is rather traditional, how we serve it (with chocolate 😅) is not. If you want to bake up a classic loaf, skip the mini chocolate chips and don't sprinkle extra sugar on top. Personally, we really love our sweeter, chocolatey version, but a plain slice served warm with salty Irish butter is just as amazing.

Get the Irish Soda Bread recipe.

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Pub Beer Cheese

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (19)

This recipe couldn't be more party-friendly. It whips up in minutes, and you only have to dirty one bowl. This is wonderful with big hard or soft pretzels (homemade, maybe?), but truly anything goes.

Get the Pub Beer Cheese recipe.


Corned Beef & Cabbage Cheese Quesadillas

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (20)

Enjoy the St. Paddy's fave meal anytime with this handheld snack version! These quesadillas feature Swiss cheese, corned beef, and cabbage wrapped up in flour tortillas. Sauerkraut and stone-ground mustard are also taking center stage in a creamy dipping sauce to serve alongside the quesadillas. Taste buds, get ready!

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Irish Mule

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (21)

We figured it was only a matter of time before we took the Moscow mule on a road trip to another country. We settled on Ireland because we loved how the oaky, vanilla-y flavors that come from your favorite whiskey are so well complimented by the fresh ginger and lime. It’s the perfect slight twist on the classic that will surprise your guests and have them singing your praises (or maybe writing a limerick about you).

Get the Irish Mules recipe.


Smoked Corned Beef

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (22)

No smoker? No problem! We made a makeshift smoker in our oven for an easy way to achieve that smoky flavor. Cooking it low and slow over a bed of wood chips creates and tender and juicy piece of meat that's perfect for your St. Patrick's Day meal. Be sure to turn your leftovers into a reuben sandwich!

Get the Smoked Corned Beef recipe.

57 Very Irish Recipes That'll Soak Up The Booze This St. Patrick's Day (2024)
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